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Données techniques
Apiezon Greases

Typical Property  AP101AP100H GreaseL GreaseM GreaseN GreaseT Grease
Main areas of applicationGeneral PurposeLubricatingHigh TemperatureHigh VacuumGeneral VacuumCryogenicMedium Temperature
Typical working temperature range°C-40 to 18010 to 30-10 to 24010 to 3010 to 30-269 to 3010 to 120
°F-40 to 36550 to 8614 to 46450 to 8650 to 86-452 to 8650 to 248
Melting point – ASTM.D 566°C>20042 to 52does not melt42 to 5240 to 4842 to 52112 to 137
°F>392108 to 126108 to 126104 to 118108 to 126233 to 278
Vapour pressure 20°C / 68°F, Torr <1.0 x 10-57.0 x 10-111.7 x 10-97.0 x 10-111.7 x 10-96.0 x 10-104.6 x 10-9
Relative density 20°C / 68°F0.9811.0420.9180.8960.8940.9110.912
Resistant to radiation*N/R*N/R*N/RYesYes*N/R*N/R
Lubricity 4 Ball Test – ASTM.D 2763(IP 239), kg450450250150140150250
Outgassing characteristics – ASTM.E 595-90TMLN/A<1%<1%<1%N/A<1%N/A
CVCM N/A<0.1%<0.1%<0.1%N/A<0.1%N/A
Coefficient of expansion per °C over 20-30°C0.00066N/A0.000770.000760.000750.000720.00073
Thermal conductivity 20¡C, w/m °CN/AN/A0.2160.1940.1940.194N/A
Electrical strength, V/mil (0. »001)N/AN/A800730850820730